Easter build! ๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿ˜ต

Hoo-boy, this one dropped even later than the previous build...!

Right, I'm going to make a point to not let that happen again..!

The delay came from the way I've been putting the unlockable content together. This is NSFW content, and naturally I want that stuff to look as good as possible, so I've been attempting to create the best looking full-screen gallery images I can.

If you're familiar with GB Studio, you'll have an idea what I'm talking about when I say I'm keeping the number of unique background tiles low enough that I can still add Actors to each gallery image Scene. The sprites assigned to these Actors add extra detail (i.e. colour) per tile, resulting in a cleaner, more pleasing set of images, which is quite the balancing act as there's an upper limit to how many Sprite tiles can be used per Scene also.

If I say so myself, the results look great ๐Ÿ‘ but I absolutely underestimated how much I'd be able to get done between releasing the Valentine's build and the (then) new deadline of Easter Sunday.

The next update will be based on a Summertime theme, which is handy for me as there's not necessarily a specific date I'll need to work to - it'll only need to be ready sometime around June-ish.

As for the Easter build itself:

  • I've played it to "completion" - i.e. unlocked everything - so can confirm it all works, however...
    • I've found that the game is prone to crashing if Morag gets hit by both of the "twin-attacking" iconography - the one where your best bet for taking them out is the Splits Kick. Presumably this has been an issue since the original jam build of the game, but one which I wasn't seeing so often until my last lot of playtesting. Mulling over possible fixes as I type this, of course ๐Ÿค”
  • Saves from the previous build do not appear to be transferrable. But also...
    • I'd mentioned in a previous devlog that I'd theorised that merely changing the name of an earlier build's .sav file to match the name of the new build might allow for transferrable saves - total schoolboy error, apparently. But I was also finding that while testing in GB Studio, I'd unlock some content, exit out of the game, adjust something in the editor, then find all unlocks had reset when running the game again ๐Ÿคจ This is the first GB Studio game I've made in which I've added a save system, so there's another example of me learning something new... ๐Ÿค”

Additionally, I changed the way I distributed the game files this time by bundling all variants into one handy .zip file. Up until now I had presented the rom, the .pocket file and the .zip containing the rom bundled with the SameBoy emulator as separate downloads, but doing it that way is only going to get cluttered moving forward, hence the simplification. I'll be making a similar bundle for the first build soon (I'm going to need a lie down first...! ๐Ÿ˜ต).

That's all for now ๐Ÿ‘ Here's to a steadier, more methodical and actually timely workflow for future builds, aaaaaaaaaaaaand...

Here are a couple of gallery image freebies ๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿ‘


Buy Now$1.99 USD or more

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