What's in that Readme...

Wretched Tower, my entry for the Unofficial Easy FPS Editor Jam is available to download right now... Aaaaaaaaand I have thoughts.
Also lamentations, all of which are detailed in the Readme file included in the downloadable, but for your convenience, I'm also going to regurgitate that info right here:
"Wretched Tower proof-of-concept demo by Grave Reaper Cushions
Wretched Tower is an entry for the first Unofficial Easy FPS Editor Jam.
This is primarily an exercise in verticality and curious environments. It was also intended to include combat, until time ticked on and I realised how much work the combat would have required relative to how much time was left before the deadline; something had to give.
What we have here instead is essentially a prototype first-person platformer with some peculiar issues (see below) and an eerie soundtrack.
A post-jam version is very much on the cards...
1. Approach
By far the most accomplished level of the demo. It's a basic keyhunt, but also a good scene-setter.
2. Ascend
Ascend was supposed to be another keyhunt level; traverse the elaborate stairwells to access the tops of the smaller towers, then work your way down to find the keys on the lower floors. There was going to be more to its layout than what is presented here, but I ended up stopping work on it altogether when the crashes started happening.
For some reason, during testing this level suddenly and consistently started crashing the game whenever the player reached the tops of those stairwells.
The exit is on the bottom floor of the tower to the lower right. This was supposed to be inaccessible from the ground level, but with the towers basically off-limits, I placed regular doors at its base in place of impassable barriers.
3. Gods
This level more-or-less turned out as intended, although - cards on the table - I realise I definitely went way overboard with the floating block placements...
The idea is the player needs to work their way into the centre of the map. It's actually possible to gain access to the middle "ring" by jumping onto the "lip" and through the "teeth" of the face straight in front of you from the start.
Next, you need to work your way up to the eyes of a face around the inner ring. Head through an eye to access the central chamber.
Note that if combat had been included in the demo, this would be a boss arena...
4. For Your Amusement
A bonus level.
As I was brainstorming ideas for the game's logo, I had a low-res image that I realised would adapt well to EFPSE's 64x64 tile framework, so I figured what the heck...
5. test_map.eem
Another bonus level, and the place where this all got started. Some of the elements seen here made it into the main levels, but there's other interesting stuff that didn't, which I absolutely intend to revisit in the inevitable post-jam release.
Thank you for playing!
Software used in the development of Wretched Tower:
Easy FPS Editor
(Huh... and I just realised I forgot lo list Inkscape among software used...)
Get Wretched Tower (proof-of-concept demo)
Wretched Tower (proof-of-concept demo)
Proof-of-concept demo and entry for the Unofficial Easy FPS Editor Jam #1
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