Big rescheduling thing, possibly... ๐Ÿ˜‘

So the original plan was to release the first commercial build of Scantily with a soft launch date of any day before Christmas 2023.

All the core elements of the game are more-or-less in place; the main game portion has a great game feel already, and the most I would want to adjust in that would be slightly different "enemy" attack patterns based on the difficulty setting.

All the unlocks seem to work: squish x number of Christmas puddings to unlock more and more of the Gallery, with each cleared Gallery in turn unlocking a new costume. If the player decides they want to start the whole process from scratch again, the "Reset Unlocks" option works as intended ๐Ÿ‘

At this point, the only things that need to be added in order for me to consider the first commercial build ready to ship are the Gallery images. All thirty of them.

A bit of a tight squeeze given how much time is left between now and the 25th, but I'll see what I can do. IRL commitments notwithstanding, of course.

I'm also sick rn, which isn't helping in the slightest... ๐Ÿคง๐Ÿค’๐Ÿ˜ค

In the worst-case scenario, I won't have all the images done before Christmas Day, which, given that the whole theme is holidays, would pretty much knock a Christmas release on the head for this year as far as I'm concerned.

Sounds a little drastic maybe, but I have a contingency plan:

The sharp-eyed among you may have noticed a small adjustment to the main game page, where I've changed the line "Grave Reaper Cushions has a plan for Christmas" to "-has a plan for 2024", which, aside from adjusting expectations for when the first build of the full version is going to drop, is also a more accurate statement of intent vis-a-vis the update schedule, ie expanded builds with additional themed content based on upcoming holiday events.

If I can't make Christmas 2023, I'll start work on themed content for a first commercial release with a soft launch date of any day before Valentine's Day 2024, and take it from there.

TL;DR: if it doesn't happen before Christmas, it'll be a thing by next Valentine's Day; either way, Morag will be exchanging assorted smashed festive iconography for lewds soon ๐Ÿ‘


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